Why Auction?

Why AuctionAt all auctions you will need to register to bid at the sale.

Auctions are the most unique and valuable way of selling almost any type of personal property.

Some of the most popular auctions are those that involve household items, or livestock or antiques.

But auctions involve so many more possessions: automobiles, office equipment, art, machinery, industrial equipment, electronics.

One very rapidly growing area is real estate. More and more people are buying and selling their homes and land by the auction method.

Auctions are one of the oldest forms of selling property; their history spans centuries. And time has only increased their popularity.

A research study commissioned by the National Auctioneers Association shows that auctioneering is an industry on the rise.

They’re entertainment at their finest. That’s what most consumers say about auctions and that’s the number one reason they attend. So what makes them so fun and entertaining ? Some say it’s the unexpected and the idea of experiencing something original.

In addition, consumers find auctions fun because they’re a rewarding activity for the whole family to enjoy.

On average, consumers are willing to drive 1.3 hours to attend a live auction, with 75% bringing the family when they go.